ANSI X9 TR 51-2018 pdf free download – Levies Companion Document

02-17-2022 comment

ANSI X9 TR 51-2018 pdf free download – Levies Companion Document.
3File Format
The ANSI X9.129 file is comprised of variable length records.
All characters and symbols must be represented using 8-bit ASCll
Where appropriate, spaces shall be used to fill data and shall not be embedded within data elements.
The format o all ield types shall ll w what is defined in the standard unless otheswise noted in this document.Falre t foll w the data and fed spectirations could rosutin an item or file rejection.Refer to ANSI X9.129, Section 5 Data and Field Specifications.
All fields that are conditional and are not used shall be filled with Blanks regardless of the data type.
Al Anexes in ANSIX9.129 are critially important to the use of tis documentfor ineroperable legal order exchange. The inomaion n th anexs shoud beunderstoodto ensure proper deployment of this standard.
3.1Exception Information
Fild validaion requremens aredelined in the tbes foreach reoord.Fieds ith valdaion berntied as Required.ill lways be vald ated.Fiedes with vld alon deitied as Required if presenf sil bevalilated only if non-blank dala ekists in the fed.Fieos wth alidalion dentlidas None will ob be valid ted and any data inbuded inthe fed il e pssed ab-is.
Field leve etdt iformation is incuded in the tables for each record type. Thefollowing lists structural requirements for ANSIX9.129 legal orders exchange fles:
Structural Requirements for File Processing -Falure to meet processing requirements will result in file rejection, when:
.All Header Records that DO NOT have a corresponding Control Record
.File Header Record (Type 01)
-Request Supplemental lnfo Header Record (Type 10)-Response Supplemental lnfo Record (Type 11)
All records are NOT properly sequenced in accordance with ANSI X9.129
Response counts DO NOT correspond to the number of Response records included. Request count DO NOT correspond to the number of Request records included
. Duplicate fie- fle contains same File Name (field 5), File Creation Date (field 6) and File Creation Time (fied 7) in the File Header Record (Type O1)
structural Requirements for a request or response -Failure to meet processing requirements will resut in request or response level rejects, when
. ARequest Content Record (Type 20), DOES NOT have at least one Request Debtor Record (Type 25)
. lf a Request Account Record (Type 26) is included it must follow the Request Debtor Record (Type 25)
• A Response Content Record (Type 30), DOES NOT have at least one Response Debtor Record (Type 35)
• If a Response Account Record (Type 36) is included it must follow the Response Debtor Record (Type 35)
• Request or Response level does not comply with standard (i.e. usage and type fields)
4 File Records
4.1 File Header Record (Type 01)
• This record is Mandatory. If a corresponding File Control Record (Type 99) is not present as the last record in this file, the file will be rejected
• One record per file.ANSI X9 TR 51 pdf download.

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