IEEE 497-2016 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Generating Stations

02-21-2022 comment

IEEE 497-2016 pdf free download – IEEE Standard Criteria for Accident Monitoring Instrumentation for Nuclear Power Generating Stations.
pitsier sources: The electrical and mechanical equipment and their interconnections necessary to generate or convert power.
NO’TE—Piswcr source and gnu supply are considered litervlsangeabte in this stanclunt
precision: The degree of mutual agreement between indisidinl nsaasurenients. namely eepeatthilmy and iepnJucibdity.
processing segment: The electrical componenL or unlules in an infomsation display channel thai ntceise itt sensing segnient outputs and pertorm various conscr’oons and compensation on the signal. The pnicrssing electronics ray include sensor power supply. (Al)) nulvertmon, signal conwensation. signal validation, electrical to engineering unit conversion. digital-to-analog ll>’Ai conversion, and electrical isolation devkes for signal intemfacing between safety systems and other systems.
NOTE—See Figure I
rate: The first time denvatise ol the current value.
response unit: l).aarion between the instant of a step change in the measured quantity and the instant when the output signal reaches for the first time a specified percentage of its final value,
‘oft shutdown: Bringing the nude-ac gcneraumg station to contrmilled stable shutdown conchtions specitied in licensing basis documentation
safety runctinn: One cit the pisicesses or cimndiuwins essential to maintain plant parameters within acceptable linuts established for a design basis event,
NOTE—A safety funcnnn is achieved by the cnniploion of all required prniectise actions by the reacior trip system or the engineered snkry features enncurrent with the cs-wnpleimn iii all required peniectise actinns by the ausitiury sufficing features, or hilt.
safety systrm: A system relied upon to remain liinclional dising and lolliswing design basis esnils to ensure: (At the itstegncy of the reactor csxmlunt pressure boundary; (B) the capability to shut down the re-actor and IC) maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, or the capability to present or mitigate the consequences of accidents that could result in potential off-site exposures beyond applicable regulatory units.
sensing segment: The electrical and mechanical components or modules in an information display channel front measansi piocess saiiahle to the input of the processing electroniL’s,
NOTE—See Figure I
sensor: The poetinn cit a channel that responds to changes in a plant variable or condition and converts tête nseasured poxess viuriable into a corresponding signal.
sesere aeeident: A subset of design extension conditions during which fuel damage has occurred.
spatialy dedicated cnnt’tnitnusly visible: Characteristic of a human system interface that always appears in the same fixed locution and is always visible.
trend: The general tendency of the cistern value i.e., increasing, constant. orde’cieasingt over tint.
4. Selection criteria This clause provides criteria for identifying the plant-specific variables for accident monitoring. The variable types shall be referred to as Type A. Type B, Type C, Type D, Type E, and Type F. Criteria for the selection of each type of variable are given below and summarized in Table 1. If a variable meets the selection criteria of multiple variable types, the requirements of all the selected variable types shall be met.IEEE 497 pdf download

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